SolidWorks 2014 – Last Release To Support 32 Bit OS

Well, it's finally happening. We've been hearing the swan-song of the 32 bit operating system for some time. In fact, since Windows released its first widely accepted 64 bit option with Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. 64 bit operating systems support more memory (more than just 4GB), they're more stable, and they offer better performance. Therefore, it makes sense that SolidWorks would abandon the outdated 32 bit architecture on older operating systems after SolidWorks 2014. What thi

published July 15, 2013

Weekly Productivity Enhancer: Part Reviewer in SolidWorks 2013

We here at SolidBox value productivity above all in our applications and of course, our hardware. Each week, we’ll be giving you a tip to help you enhance your productivity with SolidWorks specifically. Sorry, we can’t help you with the hours you spend on Youtube each week watching cat videos, but hopefully you can learn something to make your SolidWorks experience easier. We take pride in bringing you content devoted to the lesser used tools in SolidWorks 2013. Each day, we try

published July 03, 2013

Blocks In SolidWorks 2013, Part 2

We here at SolidBox value productivity above all in our applications and of course, our hardware. Each week, we’ll be giving you a tip to help you enhance your productivity with SolidWorks specifically. Sorry, we can’t help you with the hours you spend on Youtube each week watching cat videos, but hopefully you can learn something to make your SolidWorks experience easier. If you've never used blocks in your designs, Part 2 of this 2 part video will give you a few reasons why yo

published June 27, 2013

Shelling in SolidWorks 2013 – Local Operations

We here at SolidBox value productivity above all in our applications and of course, our hardware. Each week, we’ll be giving you a tip to help you enhance your productivity with SolidWorks specifically. Sorry, we can’t help you with the hours you spend on Youtube each week watching cat videos, but hopefully you can learn something to make your SolidWorks experience easier. This week we'll discuss Shelling in SolidWorks 2013. This example came up recently when modeling this slotte

published June 05, 2013

Simulation Tools in SolidWorks 2013 Premium

We here at SolidBox value productivity above all in our applications and of course, our hardware. Each week, we’ll be giving you a tip to help you enhance your productivity with SolidWorks specifically. Sorry, we can’t help you with the hours you spend on Youtube each week watching cat videos. Nonetheless, hopefully you can learn something to make your SolidWorks experience easier. This week we'll be discussing SolidWorks Premium and Simulation Tools in SolidWorks 2013 Premium. S

published May 08, 2013
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